Poslušamo se

Oktobra smo v Ajdovščini izvedli 8-dnevno mednarodno usposabljanje z naslovom “To Hear & Be Heard”. Z udeleženci iz Estonije, Romunije, Srbije in Slovenije smo raziskovali področje dela z mladimi v stiski, aktivno empatično poslušanje, izražanje potreb in zaznavanje čustev, postavljanje mej, oblikovanje jasne vizije in namena, krepili veščine refleksije, držanja prostora sebi ter drugim in skupaj ustvarjali sočutno in podporno okolje, v katerem smo se vsi veliko naučili.
Hvala vsem, ki ste del tega magičnega projekta.
Povratna informacija udeležencev:
  •  I was impressed by the high quality of the organization demonstrated by the receiving party in all aspects related to the project. During my participation, I have mastered many new techniques that I am enthusiastic about integrating into my professional activities.
  • The project allowed me to learn various psychological techniques, deepen my understanding of the concept of non-violent communication (NVC) and learn to integrate it into everyday life. I realized the importance of the art of communication – how to listen and hear, understand yourself, and give importance to your needs. I already use these skills actively: for example, just yesterday I shared with my parents the method of ‘four chairs’, which I started using during the project and continue to practice.
  •  I enjoyed participating in the project thanks to the structured submission of material, variety of training forms, highly professionalism of the trainers and the opportunity to learn effective teamwork. During the project, I learned to apply informal approaches and methods in working with children, and I became able to better understand and recognize the psychological features and needs of children and adolescents.
  •  I learned here to always situations from different perspective. I tought to put yourself in the shoes of another person and i think it is very useful because it comes easier for me to overcome situations. I will tell everything that happend here to everyone, It was a wonderful experience.
Projekt je financiran s strani programa Erasmus+.