Be your own hero

Last time I spoke about the importance of self-development and leaving your comfort zone. Be brave and take risks were my final words in this post.

But what does that actually mean? Is there even a general definition for courage? Before, I will answer this questions, I want to tell you something about myself.

I have always been a shy and pretty insecure person. Furthermore, I have mostly put the needs of others above mine. Last year, I decided to change myself. And to my mind, I really developed myself in a positive way. I got more self-confidence and learned to listen to my feelings and needs.

Then, I came to Slovenia – to a completely new place with completely new people, who are non-native speaking Germans. Leaving your comfort-zone can sometimes make you feeling weak and little. Sadly, I lost a bit of the self-confidence, I worked on last year.

However, now I am back on track. Little by little and step by step I grow.

So, why am I actually telling you that? I want to let you know that it doesn’t matter, how big your achievements are. And, please, never ever care about the other’s opinion. The only thing that matters is that your achievements value for yourself. It’s not the quantity but the quality that counts!!!

Back to our questions:
There is no general definition of courage. Be your own hero! If that means, smiling at a stranger on the street or asking at a Super-Market for help in finding a product, it is also okay. Do that, what you need to do, to develope yourself.

And by the way, constantly challenging yourself, can be very exhausting. And if you catch yourself in making steps backwards,, don’t be ashamed. That is totally normal. Life is not only straight. Just, remember yourself in starting again.

Ronja Draschan

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