The only Bulgarian long term EVS is going soon from Zagorje. You know me or not, now you have the…
Beri naprejOznaka: erasmus plus
MasterChef – Kuharska bitka
Verjetno si že kdaj gledali najbolj priljubljeno kuharsko TV oddajo na svetu - MasterChef. Za tiste, ki tega še ne…
Beri naprejTravel your time
Like a second part of my previous blog I want to give you another challenge. I am here in Slovenia…
Beri naprejEnomesečni EVS na Cipru – Creative Volunteering
Bliža se jesen in z njo muhasto ter hladnejše vreme. Če se od poletja še ne bi rad popolnoma poslovil,…
Beri naprejPisana poslikava za prvoseptembrsko dobrodošlico
[caption id="attachment_14125" align="alignleft" width="200"] Učenci so zadnje dni počitnic poslikali šolski zid.[/caption] Zagorje ob Savi, 1. september 2017 - Mladinski…
You can really feel that it has started. High temperatures, short pants, streets full of people and tourists all arround.…
Beri naprej