Podnebne spremembe so velik svetovni izziv, za katere so značilne dolgotrajne spremembe v podnebnih vzorcih zemlje, ki jih povzroča človek.…
Beri naprejOznaka: Mednarodno prostovoljstvo
Dates: 25.2.-22.3.2020 Place: Virrat, Finland Volunteers: 12 volunteers from Slovenia, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Finland + possibly from France (instead…
Beri naprejIntroducing myself to society
Hello again reader! I am in my third month here in Slovenia. During all this time, I was looking for…
Beri naprejThe Next Stop
It is going to be the last day as EVS and I don´t like saying the last goodbye... From the…
Beri naprejMy life in Slovenia
Last two months after February in Zagorje have been full of events and experiences. In february I had my mid-term…
Beri naprejMednarodno prostovoljstvo: EVS Forest Quest (maj – junij 2018)
Pridruži se nori dogodivščini na Cipru skupaj s prostovoljci iz Slovenije, Španije in Italije. V času kratkoročnega EVS (Evropska prostovoljska…
Beri naprej