Introducing myself to society

Hello again reader!

I am in my third month here in Slovenia. During all this time, I was looking for places to collaborate.

I really like to work with people with different problems so I was talking with my coordinator about that and she suggested me VDC (Varstveno delovni center Zagorje ob Savi). A place where people with special needs can go after their studies and work in some workshops, to do activities and enjoy and be useful in the community!

For me it was a good place so why not?  My coordinator told me: oh »I’m sure you know the person with whom you have to talk, he came last weekend« »Mm yes…« I answered.

I wrote him and… there I was, on Monday looking for the man who would be my future coordinator. »Ey! How are you? I’m sure you remember me« »Oh yes of course« It was the first and last lie.

Then he, Tadej, was showing me the place, the differents workshops, I met the coworkers and the rest of people of course. In that moment it started.

I am going to VDC every Monday, I can choose to work on the workshops I want, it is really nice.

It’s true that sometimes it is a little hard because I don’t know Slovenian and they don’t use to know English so for that reason I think I will become an expert in using gestures. But it is not a big problem because coworkers help me and sometimes you can understand using one or two words or drawing!! Or simply if you are playing ”Človek, ne jezi se!” you can be hours without talk, believe me.

People is really hospitable, they explain me the work, give me all tools, and they are offering me food and coffees all the time so… don’t worry mum, I won’t starve.

I like so much to go there, the first moment when I cross the door I can ear: »Hello!!! Dober dan!! Hola!!« It’s really cool. It is also funny when in the radio you listen to ”Despacito” and people go crazy!

I don’t have nothing to say about how is to work with people with dissabilities because I can’t see any difference. They know how do all things, they don’t need nobody, and sometimes they have to teach me about how do it one thing because maybe I’m doing it wrong.

In general, it is a good place where you can see how people work, where you can have a good harmony and where you can breathe love in all the halls.

PD: For now, I’m getting over the cold.

Miriam Sanchez, ESC volunteer of Mladinski center Zagorje ob Savi, project SolidARiTy


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