12 - 16 prostovoljcev iz Slovenije, Estonije, Finske, Slovaške, Irske in Španije bo pripravljalo delavnice, ki bodo obveščale mlade iz…
Beri naprejOznaka: evropska prostovoljna služba
Travelling around Slovenia
People think that for travelling you have to go somewhere far away, but you don't have to. I think that…
Beri naprejThe End and Beginning of an Era
My friends, this is it. I am going home and also leaving home. I am going to write in English…
Beri naprejKratkoročni EVS projekt na Cipru
[caption id="attachment_8081" align="alignleft" width="477"] Vir: www.facebook.com/worldwidevillageproject[/caption] Mladinski center Zagorje te zopet vabi na enomesečno nepozabno izkušnjo na Ciper! Preteklo leto…
Beri naprejFrame of refence
Nowadays I feel little bit of tiredness. I got used to most of things but still here is lot of…
Beri naprejŽivjo!
My name is Umay, I’m 24 years old, I’m from Turkey and I’m the latest volunteer in Mladinski center of Zagorje…
Beri naprej