“Happiness… Where are you?… I need you!… I want to have you so much. I need a smile on my face. Just tell me where to find you…”
Sometimes this are the thoughts in my head, in the last period they are more and more often. This inspires me to create the project “What is Happiness?”. In life, there are some ups and downs. I try hard to keep my smile big no matter what is happening. Life is so short, there is no time to worry about things that do not depend on me. After some time of researching about this subject I found out that in London, Great Britain, there is Museum of Happiness.
Hm… I really felt that for sure there has to be an answer, the key, the formula of the unlimited smile and happy heart. That is why I, an EVS (European Voluntary Service) volunteer in Mladinski center Zagorje ob Savi (MC ZOS), Slovenia, have decided to write my final personal project on this topic. I found contacts of the museum and I wrote them about my idea. Аlthough the busy working time in UK, they give me the needed support and information for the organisation of my traveling and program, also with the big help of MC ZOS. You can see really soon the result of our work and I hope our strivings will give the solution for happiness to all of us! Also you can check our first research in Zagorje down below, maybe you will find some familiar faces.
If you like the idea, please support us with like and share. Thank you.
We will keep you in touch with photos and articles in all the period of the project on our facebook page. The dates of filming the video in London was 08. 11. 2017 – 10. 11 .2017. You can see the official movie premier on 2th of February 2018 at 18.00, in Mladinski center Zagorje ob Savi – Mala Hala. There we will alos show you some techniques for happiness.
Here you can find the program of the event:
Date: Friday, 02. 02. 2018
Open doors: 18.00
Start of the movie premiere: 18.30 – 19.15
Disscusion with the creator: 19.15 – 19.45
Tea break: 19.45 – 20.00
Showing of techniques of happiness with special guests: 20.00-20.45
Everyone is welcome. See you soon!
Antoaneta Toncheva
EVS volunteer in Zagorje ob Savi