ANG: What is the best way for get to know about different culture? This question is totally open for discussion but we already choose one way, cooking! On 6th of August, at 10 am, we will be cooking some Turkish recipes in MC ZOS. If you would like to explore Turkish culture, just join us!
The event will be held by our EVS volunteer Öykjü from Turkey.
*The event will be held in English language.
Event registration is mandatory (untill 04. 08. 2019):
SI: Kaj je najboljši način za spoznavanje novih kultur? O tem bi lahko debatirali, ampak eden izmed načinov je vsekakor kuhanje! 6. avgusta ob 10h bomo v MC ZOS-u kuhali po turških kuharskih receptih. Če bi rad pobližje spoznal_a turško kulturo se nam pridruži!
Dogodek bo vodila naša EVS prostovoljka Öykü iz Turčije.
*Dogodek se bo odvijal v angleškem jeziku.
Obvezne prijave do vključno 04. 08. 2019 na: