Mednarodno usposabljanje na Poljskem “Games Laboratory”

Prva mednarodna priložnost zate v letu 2018 je že tu! :)

TERMIN: 19.3. – 26.3. 2018

LOKACIJA: Poljska, Krakow


TEMA USPOSABLJANJA: The main aim of the Training Course is to collect different games as tools in youth work and show them to the participants with the concept
“learning by playing”. During the TC youth workers will be able to recognise the role of the game in non-formal learning process as well as find out the types of the games, their structure and system.

What is more, during the TC youth workers will be involved not just in practical stuff like playing games, we are also planning to involve them to self-assessment process. Each participant will have an opportunity to recognise various games in non-formal learning process and plan how it could be useful or useless in his or her work. We are also planning meetings with games experts and surprise you a lot!

POGOJI ZA UDELEŽENCE: sposobnost komunikacije v angleščini

NAČIN PRIJAVE: izpolnjeno PRIJAVNICO posreduj na

ROK ZA PRIJAVO: nedelja, 14.1.2018

DODATNI PODATKI: stroški nastanitve, prehrane in izvajanja programa so kriti; potni stroški so kriti po pavšalu (275 eur). Prekoračitev zgornje meje zneska potnih stroškov (275 eur) krije udeleženec_ka sam_a.

VEČ INFORMACIJ: na povezavi, 040 699 097