I write this blog, because I would like to tell you a little more about my holidays around these three beautiful countries.
In this trip I was travelling with one guy from Belgium. We agreed that we wanted to visit some places in this countries, but the most important thing we wanted was to meet local people in each city, and in fact we did it! J
We were in Belgrade, Visegrad, Sarajevo, Mostar, Dubrovnik and Split. I think I was more on the road that in other places, but it wasn’t a problem for me because I was enjoying a lot this amazing landscapes even through one window in a car or on the bus. I was surprised in some areas, really… marvelous!!!
The trip was special because we were hitch-hiking almost half of the trip and I have to admit that I really like this kind of experience, because you can meet people from different countries. It is really special for me, but also sometimes for them, because you can change a little the day of the people, you can change a little the routine of their day.
We also had the opportunity of meet local people in Mostar, Belgrade and Split, it was really good, because we spend time with new people but also they were speaking with me about their cities and recommended me places, which was very useful. I say thank you all of them.
I learned more about those places, more about that culture and history, because we took very good tour guides around the cities.
So, in spite of this trip wasn’t the best one of my life, it was different the way of travelling, that I really love travel like this and meet people from the places that I visited. I know that the next trips that I will do in the future, it’s going to be in the same line.
So, the conclusion is that it’s a new beginning for me in the way of travelling and the way of enjoying the places!
Elena, EVS volunteer