The secret powers

From 6 to 9 June 2024, millions of Europeans will participate in the European Parliament elections, thus helping shape our democracy. But what does the European Parliament actually do and why it is so important to take part in the upcoming elections?

After this year’s elections, the European Parliament will have 720 members from all EU member countries. The European Parliament deals with issues that are very important to most citizens, such as security, social policy, the environment, migration, the economy, the rule of law, and many others. So decisions taken in the parliament affect the lives of every EU citizen.

The June elections are a unique moment when we can all decide together on the future of the European Union. Voting always matters, whether it is local, national, or European. Elections are the perfect opportunity to have your say on issues that are important to you. You can use your vote to change the world you live in.

It is very easy to say that you don’t go to vote because one less vote won’t change anything. However, what if one in three or four people think so? It can be easy to forget that the results of the European elections will affect the lives of many people. The European Parliament makes laws that affect us all: they have an influence on large countries and small communities, on powerful businesses and start-ups, and on not only global but also local economies.

Your vote will decide who represents you in the European Parliament when new laws are being written and who influences the selection of members of the European Commission. These decisions in turn have a direct impact on your daily life and the lives of many others, including your family and friends.

You have probably heard the slogan “By voting, you choose democracy” during more than one election campaign. It may seem simple, but it is true. Because democracy must never be taken for granted. It is a collective achievement and responsibility, so each of us has a role to play.

Democracy starts with the people. We set it in action by going to the elections. By voting, we influence our future, the future of the European Union, and our countries.

Wika, ESC volunteer

Follow this link to find out about the European Parliament elections in Slovenia


Skrivne moči

Med 6. in 9. junijem 2024 se bo na milijone Evropejcev udeležilo volitev v Evropski parlament in tako pomagalo oblikovati našo demokracijo. Toda kaj Evropski parlament dejansko počne in zakaj je tako pomembno, da se udeležite prihajajočih volitev?
Po letošnjih volitvah bo imel Evropski parlament 720 poslancev iz vseh držav članic EU. Evropski parlament obravnava vprašanja, ki so zelo pomembna za večino državljanov, kot so varnost, socialna politika, okolje, migracije, gospodarstvo, pravna država in številna druga.

Odločitve, ki jih sprejme parlament, torej vplivajo na življenje vsakega državljana EU.
Junijske volitve so edinstven trenutek, ko lahko vsi skupaj odločamo o prihodnosti Evropske unije. Glasovanje je vedno pomembno, ne glede na to, ali gre za lokalne, nacionalne ali evropske volitve.

Volitve so odlična priložnost, da se izrečete o vprašanjih, ki so za vas pomembna. S svojim glasom lahko spremenite svet, v katerem živite.

Zelo lahko je reči, da ne greš volit, ker en glas manj ne bo ničesar spremenil. Vendar kaj, če tako misli eden od treh ali štirih ljudi? Zlahka pozabimo, da bodo rezultati evropskih volitev vplivali na življenja številnih ljudi. Evropski parlament sprejema zakone, ki vplivajo na vse nas: vplivajo na velike države in majhne skupnosti, na močna podjetja in novoustanovljena podjetja ter ne le na svetovno, temveč tudi na lokalno gospodarstvo.

Vaš glas bo odločal o tem, kdo vas bo zastopal v Evropskem parlamentu pri oblikovanju novih zakonov in kdo bo vplival na izbiro članov Evropske komisije. Te odločitve neposredno vplivajo na vaše vsakdanje življenje in življenje številnih drugih, vključno z vašo družino in prijatelji.

Verjetno ste med več kot eno volilno kampanjo slišali slogan „Z glasovanjem izbirate demokracijo“. Morda se zdi preprosto, vendar je res. Demokracija namreč nikoli ne sme biti samoumevna. Je skupen dosežek in odgovornost, zato mora vsak od nas odigrati svojo vlogo.
Demokracija se začne pri ljudeh. Z udeležbo na volitvah jo začnemo uresničevati. Z glasovanjem vplivamo na našo prihodnost, prihodnost Evropske unije in naših držav.

Wika, prostovoljka ESC

Za informacije o volitvah v Evropski parlament v Sloveniji sledite tej povezavi
