ESCeering: Support school, youth center or mental&phy challenged adults

Hello there!

We are looking for three long term volunteers (fe_male) for the placement at a local elementary school, youth center and a public social welfare institution for mentally and physically challenged adults (3 days/week) and in the youth center (2 days/week). We are looking for motivated volunteers that have a will for self-growth and contribution to the community. S_he can have a basic knowledge of English. We accept also participants with less oportunities, who are facing different challenges. In this case express your challenges and needs briefly.

You can get more information about volunteering on this project HERE.



Projekti prostovoljstva v okviru Evropske solidarnostne enote mladim nudijo priložnosti za prostovoljsko delo. Odgovarjati morajo na pomembne potrebe družbe, prispevati h krepitvi skupnosti in ob tem prostovoljcem omogočati, da pridobivajo uporabne izkušnje, veščine in kompetence za svoj osebni, izobraževalni, socialni, državljanski in profesionalni razvoj, s čimer se izboljšuje njihova zaposljivost.

Več o programu Evropske solidarnostne enote (slo. ESE, ang. ESC, bivši EVS) si lahko preberete na povezavi: