Follow your Heart 7

My previous blog finished with the question “what will be new in March?” I didn’t expect that everything could change completely. The current situation in the world made a big mess in our lives.

I was supposed to come back to Lithuania for holidays. However, my flight back was cancelled, so I decided not to go at all. The situation became worst and worst within the hours, not the days. Now I am stuck in Slovenia and I cannot do anything as all of you. I really missed my family, friends, my students and colleagues. I was joking that February went so fast, but March was so long month. I am in self quarantine since the 11th of March. It is so hard to stay all the time at home without any human contact. It is even harder when you are abroad and you don’t know when everything ends, if you are able to come back to your home country after the end of the project or not.

My mum always says to me: some people see problems, some people see opportunities. You are free to choose.

I am happy that I have a place to stay, I have the roof over my head. I am happy that I can spend more time for myself, for the things that I have never had the time, for the things that were postponed all the time. I am happy that I can renew old friendships and not just that… I am renewing myself. My priorities. My values. My ideas. I am happy.

I understand that working at school (Osnovna šola Toneta Okrogarja) gives me so much motivation, energy and happiness. I understand that everyone has hard times and I don’t need to scream how bad everything is. I understand that the only person that I need to live with all my life is me. I understand that it is not the end of the world. It is just the beginning. I understand.

I am happy that in the beginning of the month we have made stronger connections with ESC volunteers from Trbovlje. Even we lived next to, but we didn’t have an opportunity to get to know each other. The world is so small and sometimes we don’t see the opportunities that the life gives to us.

I hope it ends soon. Of course, after that, we will all be different than we were. It will be up to us whether it will be a problem or an opportunity.

Keep in touch, #stayathome and every Thursday at 6 p.m. play KAHOOT together.

With love,


Projekti prostovoljstva v okviru Evropske solidarnostne enote mladim nudijo priložnosti za prostovoljsko delo. Odgovarjati morajo na pomembne potrebe družbe, prispevati h krepitvi skupnosti in ob tem prostovoljcem omogočati, da pridobivajo uporabne izkušnje, veščine in kompetence za svoj osebni, izobraževalni, socialni, državljanski in profesionalni razvoj, s čimer se izboljšuje njihova zaposljivost.

Več o programu Evropske solidarnostne enote (slo. ESE, ang. ESC, bivši EVS) si lahko preberete na povezavi: