Follow your heart 3

Still following my heart, I realized that a third of my trip in Slovenia had already passed.

In the beginning of November I had some days off, so I went to Zagreb. We are always just running and rushing, but we need to think more about ourselves. If you took time for yourself and were with yourself, you would have a good feeling. I explored Zagreb, I went to Museum of Broken Relationships, I enjoyed the panorama of this city. Time for myself was the best gift I have ever had.

The panorama of Zagreb

Also, I visited Budapest this month. My friend Julia invited me to come there. We met at one international youth exchange project in Slovenia. It is really nice when you keep in touch with people you met before.

At Budapest bridge

Moreover, to hang out with friends, colleagues or co-workers is a must when you are in your journey abroad. For example, Sunday‘s trip to Žička Kartuzija with my colleague Nina or every day‘s coffee with my mentor.

At Žička Kartuzija

However, this month I had more activities at MC: the band‘s “Hard devision” concert, the event for pupils “Kua bi u laifi?” (“Who to be in life?”), a preparation for “ZOSCARS 2019“ (yes! Like “Oscars”).

From Kua bi u laifi?“

During my free time I play volleyball and do zumba. With other volunteers we go to a cinema. Last time we watched “FROZEN 2” in Slovene! You can guess how much we understood.
So I would not be sad, I wrote the letters to my friends and family to Lithuania. Also, I found out that in MC we have a Lithuanian cup. It really reminds me my country!

I am enjoying my journey here!





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