Under the same Sun

Here I am on the way back to Slovenia … After travelling 16 days keenly … and I don’t know what to write, what to point out. So many things happened, I’ve met so many amazing people. A lot of ups and downs, joy, happiness and fag, of course.

Slika fbWith 2 other volunteer friends we’ve decided to make a bigger project about travelling. But why this topic?

Although trough travelling you can improve, experience and learn a lot, most of the people don’t do it. They don’t have time, don’t have money. Because you need money for transportation, accommodation, food, entrance tickets etc. Or not?

We were on the road 16 days, visited 5 countries, 11 big cities and it was only 132 euros. Altogether. For 3 of us. We hitchhiked from Zagorje to Amsterdam without spending any money for transport between cities or accommodation. The plan was 5€\day\person for food, but we managed to spend even less. And no, we didn’t dumpster dive or starve.

13179376_892744847498573_2776283478963777464_nBut what’s the point of this project?

We have 3 main goals basically. First of all to prove that travelling is not necessarily an expensive or unavailable thing. Secondly, to promote the EVS Program. We made 5 presentations in Vienna, Bratislava, Prague and Berlin and encouraged the youngsters to live with this opportunity. And last, but not least we wanted to build the trust in our world a bit. To show examples that you can trust people who you didn’t know before at all. We believe that people are generally good. We all live under the same sun, and we should share and believe in human kindness.

Have we succeeded or not? How can you travel 2 weeks from 44 euros? How can you survive as a beginner traveller like us?

And in case of any other questions you are welcome to our story telling event on the 19th of May at 19:00 to Mc ZoS! :)

Vivien Olasz, EVS volunteer

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