That day when I conquered Čemšeniška planina

Hello everybody, here I am again. Do you remember me? I’m Maria, the Italian EVS volunteer in MCZOS!!

DSC06566It’s already three months that I’m living in Zagorje, and I really like it! When you moved to another city, you want to know everything about the place, the people’s habits. So, someone told me that if you live in Zagorje, you will have to go to the Čemšeniška planina! At the beginning it was so difficult just pronounce the name. In Slovenia, hiking is very common, more than in Italy. Anyway was the first time for me, that I used to live in a city, and I like more the sea than the mountain. But, when Liza, my menthor, asked me to hike to Čemšeniška planina I said: yes, why not? I like walking, it couldn’t be so hard. Actually, I was so curious and enthusiastic, here the landscape is amazing.

I thought of a relaxing walk through the forest, enjoying the view and the fresh air. I did not expect forty minutes and more climbing through the snow! There was snow and snow and snow… I walked slowly and carefully, and I was so scared to fall down on the way! But, all the tiredness and the fear disappeared when i reached the top.

DSC06577The view from there was amazing. I made it and I was so excited. The first hiking of my life in Slovenia and i was alive! But after that hard walk I needeed to rest a bit. First I met the Čemšeniška elf, and I took a picture with him, of course! Then we went to drink hot tea (coffee for me, of course) and I tasted potica. I sat outside for a bit to enjoy the beauty of the landascape, there was the snow but it was a sunny day. In that moment I thought: ’my uncles should see me now’, they love to hike and they asked me a lot of times to go with them, but I always said NO!!

The EVS experience make you do something that you wouldn’t never imagined to do! By the way, although my fear, it was an amazing adventure, a nice morning. I had the chance to know better where I’m living in. I conquered Čemšeniška. The next step will be Triglav, I have one more month. We will see!

Maria Iadarola, EVS volunteer