EVS priložnost na Poljskem

EVS-IB-Polska-Meet-Bastien_-Teacher-and-studentPoljska šola Zespol Szkol Specjalnych išče nove EVS sodelavce za delo z mladostniki, ki obiskujejo šolo s prilagojenim programom.

Vabljeni vsi, ki želite mladim z omejitvami pomagati pri vsakodnevnih izzivih, stkati nova prijateljstva, pridobiti znanje in izkušnje z delom na področju specialne pedagogike in za 10 mesecev zamenjati domače okolje za poljsko mesto Krakow.

Dolžina projekta: 10 mesecev
Termin: 1/09/2016 – 30/06/2017
Kraj: Kraków, Poland
Gostiteljska organizacija: Zespol Szkol Specjalnych – Special Educational School – https://europa.eu/youth/vp/organisation/944406939_en

Kako izgleda delo prostovoljca v šoli Zespol Szkol Specjalnych si lahko prebereš v blogu EVS prostovoljca Bastiena Duparchya. 

Če te zanima delo EVS prostovoljca na šoli Zespol Szkol Specjalnych, nam piši na info@mczos.si ali pa nas pokliči na št: 040 699 097.

Več informacij o šoli, delu in programu, si lahko prebereš v nadaljevanju:

Description of the activities at the school
Volunteer will work in Special Educational School Complex. Volunteer will be selected to work with particular age group by experienced school staff. School Complex is located in two buildings. Main activities of the volunteer will focus on working with children and youth with disabilities. They will assist teachers and therapists in teaching young people daily-life competences, art, craft – using therapy based on different incentives. Volunteer will participate in all every-day activities in the school except those which require special sociological and psychological preparation. Volunteer will work independently but with support and under supervision of the employees, especially in the beginning of their voluntary service when they do not have sufficient experience and are facing language barrier.

Suggested activities for the volunteer are as follows
– support for children in the pedagogical process under supervision of teachers: painting, singing, computer work, motion games, training of dressing up, sewing, playing on instruments, gardening, cooking, artistic and ceramic workshops;
– individual help for students during classes;
– help for teachers in preparing the classes – taking care and preparing educational instruments;
– preparing lessons and educational tools;
– preparing their own activities and conducting mini-projects;
– additionally, volunteer help feeding and taking care of personal hygiene of the student.

Volunteer will also participate in excursions, camps and educational tours and visits, for example to theatre, exhibitions, museums, public utility places. The schedule and plan of excursions will depend on class in which the volunteer will be engaged.

Volunteer will also have opportunity to create their own activities and to use their individual talents and independently organise and conduct activities and events for students, for example: dancing workshops, language lessons, national days etc.

Volunteers will provide a very valuable support for all teachers and therapists in the school but they will not substitute any full-time employees and will not replace them in their everyday tasks.

Activities proposed for volunteer will be adapted to one’s interests. The schedule will be flexible due to the high number of events taking place at school and current needs, but volunteer will work no longer than 30 hours a week. Usually, volunteer will work from 9 to 15, from Monday to Friday.