Job shadow from Estonia

DSC_0344Hey everybody!

I´m Riin from Estonia. I have been in Estonia like a week for now and it is a good time to conclude my week in Mladinski Center in Zagorje.
At first, I didn´t know, what to expect – I just wanted to know, how youth organizations work in another country. Also, youth center where I´m working is open, and it means that there are youngsters around me all the time. So it was a good opportunity to see differences between open and „closed“ youth centers.

The arrival was really nice – I met Tjaša who showed me my apartment and I was a little bit afraid – you know – new flatmates and so. But they were really-really nice people and we clicked really well. Then I went to the youth center which was cozy, people were warm and I felt myself like home. All these five days were different and I never felt bored or homesick. The center was colorful, full of inspirational quotes and the people.. oh the people were so nice, funny and we worked together so well. It made me staying perfect. I had a chance to see Europark, where was a event for which I met a lot of new people and got to communicate with Slovenian youngsters. The biggest event where I participated was „Let’s kick the racism“, which was really cool, fun and thankworthy. All colleagues worked together and it was so nice to see – MC is a really good example of COOPERATION.

What was suprising to me – I met a boy who is in Estonia right now for a 9 months and also a guy who was in Estonia some years ago. So, Estonia is popular in Zagorje and I invite you all to visit us :)

I also saw Ljubljana, had a chance to walk in the mountains and of course – I saw Petra’s pig. I took a lot of memories, lots of good ideas and of course a new energy with me to Paide. I got some good friends who I never forget and I hope to visit Slovenia (especially Zagorje ;) ) soon.

Riin Luks