Vabijo te na EVS na Poljsko, Madžarsko in na Finsko! Spodaj so podrobnosti o projektih.
V primeru vprašanj pokliči Nino na 040 699 097 ali ji piši na
POLAND | Krakow | 10 months | Deadline: 03.04.2015
Description of EVS projects:
- Special Educational School: 2012-PL-32 – activities with mentally and physically disabled children/youth. City: Kraków
- SOSW Centrum Autyzmu i CZR: PIC 938682387 – educational establishment addressed for autistic and mentally disabled children and youth, consisting of kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and vocational centre. City: Kraków
- Samorządowe Przedszkole Nr 92: 2013-PL-15 – local kindergarten, working with children aged 3-7. City: Kraków
- Szkola Podstawowa nr 24 w Krakowie: 2013-PL-124 – Primary school active in various mobility and cultural projects. City: Kraków
- Social Integration Centre: 2013-PL-183 – activities with long term unemployed. City: Tychy
How to apply?
- fill in this application form – be creative and show us your motivation!
- sending organization is MC ZOS
Please send the applications to: The subject of the message should be the following: “EVS application: NAME OF THE HOSTING ORGANISATION”. We will only contact selected candidates to interview them via Skype. Recruitment closes on 03.04.2014 by the end of the day.
All the information can be found on our website:
HUNGARY | Szeged | 12 months | Deadline: 27.03.2015
Opis projekta najdete na tej povezavi.
Prijavni obrazec pa se nahaja tukaj.
FINLAND | Inari, Lappland | 9 months | Deadline: 10.04.2015
We are looking for volunteer from Slovenia who could work with volleyball programs in Youth Centre Vasatokka, Inari, Lappland, Finland. We are looking for young person to work with different groups of children and adults with volleyball in the sport centre of Vasatokka.
Youth Centre Vastakokka project no: 2013-FI-42
We are looking for volunteer for nine months project to develop our volleyball clubs for children and youngsters aged 6-16 in cooperation with staff. Project starts in September 2015. Job will include planning and arranging volleyball clubs and camps, guiding Finnish camp schools in activities like paddling and wandering, guiding international youth groups in outdoor activities like Arctic skills, skiing, snowshoeing and ice fishing. In addition volunteer will sometimes take part in center works like cleaning, reception and maintenance.
If you are interested, please send CV and motivation letter to: