Portuguese movie – April Revolution | Portugalski film – Aprilska Revolucija

25abril (2)For 41 years Portugal was living under a dictatorial regime. On the night from 24th to 25th April 1974, the radio emitted a banned song, “Grândola, Vila Morena”. That was one of the signs of the upcoming military coup that completely transformed the country. At the sound of the voice of the poet and singer José Afonso, troops began to march to Lisbon. The April Revolution is distinguished by the adventurous nature, but also its lyrical and peaceful place.

Because of this important moment in the history of Portugal, a movie was made. The story is based on the military coup that is described in the text above.

Let’s celebrate the 39th anniversary of the Revolution! On April 25th 2013 come to MC ZOS at 19.00, and enjoy the moment to know something more about history of the farest country of continental Europe in a way that we don’t know yet.

Come on and join us!
See you ;)


41 let je Portugalska živela pod diktatorskim režimom. V noči s 24. na 25. april 1974 pa je radio predvajal prepovedano pesem, “Grândola, Vila Morena”. To je bil eden od znakov prihajajočega vojaškega udara, ki je v celoti preoblikoval državo. Ob zvoku glasu pesnika in pevca Joséja Afonsa so vojaki pričeli pohod do Lizbone. Aprilsko revolucijo odlikuje pustolovska narava, poleg nje pa tudi njena lirična in miroljubna nota.

Na osnovi tega pomembnega trenutka v zgodovini Portugalske, je bil posnet film, čigar zgodba temelji na zgoraj opisanem vojaškem udaru.

Praznujmo 39. obletnico revolucije! 25. aprila 2013 vas vabimo v MC ZOS ob 19.00, da uživajte v filmu, v katerem boste izvedeli kaj več o zgodovini najbolj oddaljene države kontinentalne Evrope na način, ki ga še ne poznamo.

Pridite in se nam pridružite!
Se vidimo;)