Friday/petek | 5.4.2013 | 17:00
Workshop is postponed/Delavnica je preložena
Ko prideš v drugo državo, imajo ljudje drugačne navade kot ti, se oblačijo drugače, poslušajo drugačno glasbo, jedo drugačne jedi in so že na videz drugačni kot ti. In včasih se ti zdi,
da te med vsakdanjim početjem gledajo kot, da bi padel iz Lune, vendar prihajaš le iz druge države.
Zavod za mednarodno prostovoljno delo Voluntariat letos v okviru fundacije Anne Lindh gosti prostovoljko iz WE centra v Jordaniji, ki nam bo predstavila njeno interaktivno delavnico o medkulturnem dialogu. Cilj te delavnice je v ustvarjanju boljšega sporazumevanja med mladimi, ki lomi predsodke in stereotipe. Udeleženci bodo skozi interaktivne aktivnosti in z delom v skupinah skušali prepoznati svoje predsodke in stereotipe do drugih kultur, jih ozavestiti in se z njimi soočiti.
Pridi v petek, 5.4.2013 ob 17. uri v Mladinski center Zagorje, kjer boš imel priložnost sodelovati v zanimivi delavnici medkulturnega dialoga. Delavnica traja 3 ure in poteka v angleščini.
Izpolnite predhodne prijave in jih pošljite do 3.4.2013 na
Lep dan,
ekipa MC ZOS
When you come to another country, people have different habits than you do, dress differently, listen to different music, eat different food and they look different than you. And sometimes you feel
that when you are doing the everyday routine, they look at you as if you were dropped from the moon, but you only come from another country.
This year The Institute for international volunteering Voluntariat, under the Anna Lindh Foundation, hosts a volunteer from WE Centre in Jordan, which will present her interactive workshop on Intercultural Dialogue. The aim of this workshop is to create a better communication between young people and breaking prejudices and stereotypes. Participants will be (through interactive activities and work in groups) trying to identify their prejudices and stereotypes about other cultures, making them aware and face them.
Come on Friday, 5.4.2013 at 5 p.m. in the Youth center Zagorje, where you will have an opportunity to participate in an interesting workshop of intercultural dialogue. The workshop lasts 3 hours and is in English.
Please, fullfill and send preliminary application on untill 3.4.2013.
Have a nice day,
team MC ZOS