ZOScajt: Okvir časa (2. del)

276644_413981952030010_1547181913_nIf you look at the pictures below, you can see the before and the after…
We started remodelating that wall in the entrance of MC ZOS.
But this project is not finished yet…

We want to draw something in the wall, something about our Youth Center and our youngs.
But to make it, we need your help ;)
So, come to MC ZOS on the 21st of February (Thursday) at 16pm and help us with your skills!

Please, wear clothes which you don’t mind getting dirty with colours and leave your mark in the space, which is meant for you!

Come on and join us!
It will be funny!
See you there ;)


Če pogledate slike spodaj, lahko vidite steno pred in po…
Začeli smo s prenavljanjem stene pri vhodu v MC ZOS, vendar projekt še ni končan.

Na zid želimo naslikati nekaj o našem mladinskem centru in o nas, mladih.
Ampak za to potrebujemo vašo pomoč;)
Torej, pridite v MC ZOS v četrtek, 21. februarja ob 16. uri in nam pomagajte s svojimi spretnimi rokami!

Prosimo, da imate s seboj oblačila, ki se lahko umažejo z barvami in pustite svoj ​​pečat v prostoru, ki je namenjen vam!

Pridite in se nam pridružite!
Luštno bo!
Se vidimo ;)




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