>>28.11.2012 | 18:00 | PANTOMIMA<<
Labas (živijo)!
I’m Laura, a volunteer from Lithuania (Litva), who came to MC ZOS to learn the basics of organizing and leading events. The EVS project is called “I’m in(e)venting”. My events are named ZOScajt and it should help you not to feel DOLGcajt! ;)
All of the activities are ment for all generations. So, don’t think too much and come to try out something new!
>>>> 07.11.2012 | 18:00 | LITVANSKA NOČ <<<<
This phrase perfectly describes the first of the ZOScajt activities – less talking, more doing. ;)
This time I would like to invite you to participate in a short Lithuanian language course. You will have an opportunity to know about such aspects as alphabet, numbers and basic phrases. It means that in case you will go to Litva or Latvia with MCZOS, you will be able to say at least something in the native language! Add a new tongue to your “language pack”! ;)
Guess what will we do after?! We will watch a lithuanian film named ‘Tadas Blinda. Pradžia’! The producers used one million euros to make it, so let’s see what they spent it for. By the way, the film has received high grades in the “International Movie Database”. Go to their website and read more about the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1696190/
So, we will start our language class at 18:00 in the MC ZOS and the film will start at 19:00 @Mala hala! Iki pasymatymo! :)
IMPORTANT – People, who want to join the activity, just need to write a confirmational email to laura@mczos.si or a message to MladinskiCenter Zagorje profile on facebook!
>>>>15.11.2012 | 15:00 | IZDELAJMO EKO LUČI!<<<<
Have you ever thought that creativity and reusing could be used at the same time? In case your answer is no, join us and try it out!
On 15th of November you are invited to participate in “ECO lamps” workshop. The activity starts at 3pm in MC ZOS @Mala hala. We will take things which we don’t need any more and use them again to make lamps. You will have an opportunity to choose of few kinds of lamps!
You will have a possibility to take your personalized lamp home. So, don’t sleep and use the opportunity to get the unique detail for your home!
PARTICIPATION FEE – at least one empty tetra pack or a can (from canned fruits/ vegetables/ fish.
IMPORTANT – People, who want to join the activity, just need to write a confirmational email to laura@mczos.si or a message to MladinskiCenter Zagorje profile on facebook!
>>>>28.11.2012 | 18:00 | PANTOMIMA<<<<
Have you ever heard about pantomime? It’s a kind of acting, where the most important thing is to express ideas and emotions with body language ONLY. Does it sounds challenging? If the answer is yes, just come and try it out!
The workshop will consist of two parts. At first, we will learn the basics of pantomime and later on – we will film an etude.
All of you, who wouldn’t want to be a pantomime ‘star’ of the video, you will have a chance to choose othervise and be the filming crew instead. If you want to learn more about filming, you will have this opportunity with the help of a person, who has a lot of experience in this field! Your mentor will be Matic Poropatič from “LOKE STUDIO”.
So, you are invited to learn a little bit about pantomime & acting with me or about making short films with Matic! ;)
IMPORTANT – People, who want to join the activity, just need to write a confirmational email to laura@mczos.si or a message to MladinskiCenter Zagorje profile on facebook!