
Labas (živijo)! 

I’m Laura, a volunteer from Lithuania who came to MC ZOS to learn the basics of organizing and leading events. My EVS project is called “I’m in(e)venting” and I am starting with these three Wednesdays events. If you want to have fun, why don’t you join us? :)

SPORTS AFTERNOON – 12th of September, 14:00

Have you ever tried to make your leisure time more productive and healthy? If no, you have really great opportunity to do it tomorrow.
What, when and where? On the 12th of September, there will be an event named “Sports afternoon”!
In front of Mladinski Center Zagorje ob Savi (Proletarec), we will try out many kinds of sports, such as football, badminton and slackline. We start at 2PM. So, come and bring your friends! :)

THEY KILLED KENNY! – 19th of September, 19:00 

Oh my god, they killed Kenny!
How they did it and how many times did they do it? Find out on the 19th of September at 7PM, while watching Kenny’s friends – Kyle, Cartman, Stan, Timmy and the other bunch do their thing in the most famous park ever drawn!

PING PONG AFTERNOON – 26th of September, 13:00
Why not to change boring routine and try something new?
Don’t know what and where? Our suggestion is to try yourself out in table tennis, which will start at 1PM, on the 26th of September in MC ZOS (Velika dvorana). Take your good mood, friends and we will have great afternoon together!

Živijo (Labas)!

Sem Laura, prostovoljka iz Litve, ki sem prišla v MC ZOS z namenom, da se naučim osnov organiziranja in izvajanja dogodkov. Moj EVS projekt nosi naslov “I’m in(e)venting” in predstavljam vam svoje prve tri sredine dogodke! Če si želite zabave, se nam pridružite! :)

ŠPORTNO POPOLDNE – 12. september, 14:00
Si kdaj poskusil/a svoj prosti čas preživeti čimbolj zdravo in produktivno? Če nisi, imaš jutri (12. septembra) edinstveno priložnost. Pred prostori Mladinskega centra Zagorje ob Savi (Športno igrišče Proletarec), se bomo preizkusili v nogometu, badmintonu in slackline-u. Začnemo ob 14:00, pridi in pripelji še prijatelje!

THEY KILLED KENNY! – 19. september, 19:00 

Ubili so Kenny-a! Kako so to naredili in kolikokrat jim je uspelo? Pridruži se nam 19. septembra ob 19:00, ko bomo to izvedeli od njegovih najboljših prijateljev – Kyle-a, Cartman-a, Stan-a, Timmy-a in ostalih! Pridružimo se jim v najbolj slavnem parku, katerega so kadarkoli narisali!

PING PONG POPOLDNE – 26. september, 13:00

Zakaj ne bi prekinil/a svoje dolgočasne rutine in se preizkusil/a v nečem novem? Ne veš kdaj in v čem? Naš predlog je da se nam pridružiš ob igranju namiznega tenisa, 26. septembra ob 13:00 v MC ZOS (Velika dvorana). Skupaj bomo preživeli zabavno popoldne!