EVS! What is it? What is hidden behind? Why to choose?
So, let’s start from the beginning. I am Laura Adomaitytė from Lithuania. Zagorje ob Savi and Mladinski center are new my home for next six months. How I came there? By plane :) Why? Because I wanted. But if we speak a little bit more seriously, I have been doing volontery work for 3 years , I am interested in volunteering about 3 years. Firstly it was just helping in simple (charity or local cultural) events, later – arts (especially music) festivals, after – international events as EuroBasket11 or horse riding competitions. And as most of you know, when you finish high school or gymnasium it is the “right” time to choose the future way (profession, university and so on). But I strongly believe that the good decision could be made just by person who really knows what he or she wants to do. So, I didn’t feel sure enough. Because of that I started searching an opportunity to enrich my knowledge about volunteering (on European level), youth organizations and myself.
Secondly, I can describe my first impression (maybe to speak a little bit about differences between Lithuania and Slovenia). So, in my home country all landscape is just flat. For better understanding – the highest “hill” is just 293 metres. It means that during first days I had a headache and not the best feeling because of being in higher sea level. But now it is ok and I can really enjoy mountains that surround Zagorje. Also, few days ago I went on Čemšeniška hill and it was highest place where I have ever been. The view of the eagle flying above the other mountains was really amazing… Moreover, the same situation was with temperature. Now it is about 35 degrees outside (and it’s ending of the season). But in Lithuania we don’t have such temperature during the hottest summer days, average temperature is about 23. Furthermore, it’s quite good impression of reusing, reducing and recycling. As I saw, most of people recycle rubbish and pay attention on ecological sphere. It is great! I just remembered one moment when I was hanging with some Slovenians and one of them threw the bottle somewhere near the bushes. But after others started saying that it’s not popular to do like that any more. So he went to take the bottle and threw it in the rubbish bin. You know, it is awesome when youngsters think about nature too.
Furthermore, I am really happy because of organization selection. In the MC ZOS we are a small team and because of that the atmosphere is the best. Like in family – you can think widely and suggest ideas.
All in all, I have an opportunity to meet new people, improve English language skills, try myself in different fields and understand where I am good or bad at, enrich knowledge about organizing events, enjoy the summer and sun! So sometimes I just ask yourself – what can be better? :) If you want to join EVS volunteer’s group and have the challenge in your life, just come to MC ZOS or write an e-mail letter for me laura.adomaityt@gmail.com or info@mczos.si. :)
Written by EVS volunteer Laura Adomaitytė